Turbocharging exploration to build the electric future

We scale mineral exploration. With the industry’s most precise mineral detection technology, fundamental geology, and responsible drilling, Earth AI can move from detecting a prospect to drill-testing in just three to six months.
We built the Mineral Discovery Engine, a system of key processes and technologies that bring precision, efficiency, and scalability to critical minerals exploration. Our Mineral Discovery Engine is comprised of:
Mineral Targeting Platform
Our prediction tools are the most accurate in the industry, improving discovery success rates from 0.5% to 66%. By studying multiple datasets and learning to identify mineralization, our AI replicates and scales the mind of a geoscientist. Our models train on 400 million geological cases from the entire continent, creating new knowledge and formulating conclusions. This experience, achieved through extensive training, allows us to deliver repeatable, high-quality predictions.
Fundamental Geology
In order to understand the origin of mineralization, we apply a generalist approach to studying and understanding the geology of the area. With every project, data leads the way. We apply a unique set of field and laboratory methods that help us decode the mineral system, form hypotheses, and test with drilling. This approach leads to the detection of brand-new prospects.
Responsible Drilling
We’ve developed the first modular drilling system for self-sufficient mineral exploration in remote desert environments. From drilling hardware and fluid treatment systems to crew housing, we’ve meticulously optimized every step in the process while minimizing environmental impact.
Mineral Exploration has 3 stages

Finding a new mineral deposit that has equal or greater parameters than known mines.
Results are delivered in this format XX.XXm @ XX.XX% Me from XX.XXm
Where XX.XXm is the length of drill intersection in metres, XX.XX% is the average metal concentration, Me is metal symbol, and from XX.XXm indicated the distance from surface where the intersection starts. Example 10m @ 2% Cu from 100m. This means that drilling intercepted 10 metres at an average grade of 2% copper at a distance of 100m from surface down the drill hole.
Two important notes: First, the drill hole can be drilled at 45-90 degree angle from surface, thus to know the actual depth of mineralisation, we need to know the angle. Second, the orientation of the mineral deposit in relation to the drillhole matters a lot, the best data is obtained by drilling perpendicular to the ore once its orientation is determined, This is used to calculate the “true width” of the intersection, as compared to apparent width.
Feasibility study to confirm the financial viability of mining this mineral deposit.
Stages of Feasibility
- Resource Estimation/Scoping - determine the size and richness of the deposit, check for obvious red flags
- Pre Feasibility Study (PFS) - full-scale study of the mining potential, after which you will be able to say with good level confidence whether the project is mineable.
- Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) - detailed level study after which the Final Investment Decision to build the mine is made.
Mineral Resource results are delivered in this format XX.XX Mt @ Me XX.XX%. Where XX.XX Mt is the total amount of ore expressed in million tonnes, XX.XX% is the average metal concentration, and Me is metal symbol.
Upon completion of the Feasibility Study, and after denser drilling, a Mineral Reserve is defined, which is a part of a mineral resource that can be mined at profit at present conditions.
Feasibility Study results highlight NPV, IRR, Opex per tonne of ore mined, mine Life, Capital Cost, payback time and total free cash flow for the life of mine.
Feasibility Success Rate is 21.6%
45 of 208 greenfield critical metals projects progressed from Discovery to Construction & Mining during 2014 - 2022 in Australia

Building mining infrastructure to enable mining of the mineral reserve.
After feasibility confirms the economic viability of the site, construction begins. Miners will build the infrastructure and start to dig the ore, extract the metals and ship them to customers.
Recent Examples of Discovery to Production timelines
Nova Nickel Mine
Mine annual revenues range from $50M to $3B, while mine life ranges from 8 to 100+ years.

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